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Good benefits of pasta for our body

January 11, 2022
Good benefits of pasta for our body
nilai gizi pasta
Image Source: Nilai Gizi

Pasta is one of the most popular Italian dishes. Not only the country of origin, pasta is also popular in various countries, including Indonesia. In fact, various restaurants in Indonesia have now served pasta menus with various variants that are a pity to miss. Actually, pasta itself is made from wheat flour mixed with eggs and water, then shaped like noodles. Based on the shape, pasta is distinguished by its shape, into several types, such as spaghetti, macaroni, fettuccini, lasagna. Behind the delicious taste, pasta stores nutrients that are beneficial for the health of the body.

Jenis-jenis pasta
Image Source: lifestyle.sindonews

Energy sources

  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Pasta itself has a high carbohydrate content, so it can be a good source of energy for the body. The good news, pasta can be a source of carbohydrates instead of rice, and of course the amount of carbohydrates in pasta can vary depending on the type of pasta you consume. For example, 100 grams of spaghetti can contain about 31 grams of carbohydrates.
Sumber gizi
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Smooth Digestion

  • Wheat is known as a good source of fiber. Likewise, wheat, which is sometimes found in pasta, contains fiber which is beneficial for digestive function. To get these benefits to the fullest, consume whole grain pasta.

Maintain Eye Health

  • The content of lutein and zeaxanthin substances in pasta is beneficial for maintaining eye health. Lutein can help prevent various eye disorders such as cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Meanwhile, zeaxanthin can help protect the eyes from the blue light that is usually exposed to smartphones. You can get these good substances from whole grain pasta.
Memasak pasta dengan baik
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Supports the formation of body cells

  • Pasta also contains folic acid which is beneficial for the formation and growth of cells in the body. These substances play a role in the production of DNA and carry genetic information in a person’s body.

Boost Immune

  • The immune system has an important role in fortifying the body from various disorders, so it must always be maintained properly. One effort that can be done is to maintain the nutrition you consume. In fact, the selenium content in pasta is beneficial for boosting the immune system, thereby minimizing the chance of developing disease.
Menu pasta yang lezat dan bergizi
Image Source: Elise Bauer

Lose weight

  • The carbohydrate content in pasta does not cause blood sugar levels in the body when consumed. That way, the process of digesting pasta takes longer, compared to other carbohydrates, such as rice. The long digestive process can make a person feel full longer, and can automatically reduce the likelihood of a person eating larger portions. This is what makes pasta great for weight loss.
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